To continue our commitment to assisting broker development, our director Jean-Pierre Gortan will be presenting at the next Sydney MFAA Commercial PD Day.
The Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) Commercial Education Program will demystify and unclutter the challenging Commercial and Asset Finance landscape like no other program.
In four distinct and interactive sessions you will understand and apply the skills and knowledge required to competently approach enquiries relating to:
Business Finance
Including Business Purchases, Working Capital & Short
Term Business Loans
Vehicle and Equipment Finance and
Commercial Premises Purchases
Development Finance
The FACILITATORS: Todd O'Neill of Mardent Group has over 20 years experience in lending and direct training of brokers.
Supported by subject matter experts Jean-Pierre Gortan Simplicity Loans & Advisory , and Nathan Keating of Pearl Financial Services.
Session One: Commercial Fundamentals & Business Finance
Types of commercial finance available
Commercial conversations – How effective conversations assist conversion
Key questions to ask prospective business finance clients
Financials and cashflows – How forecasts can help you identify the right product
Identifying opportunities for Business Finance within your existing customer database.
Session Two: Vehicle and Equipment Finance
The process and options for a business to purchase or lease motor vehicle or equipment assets
Key numbers when putting these transactions together
Identifying opportunities for Vehicle and Equipment Finance within your existing customer database
Session Three: Commercial Premises Purchases and Development Finance
The process to complete a commercial premises purchase
The top questions to ask to determine who to go to
Key numbers when putting a commercial premises purchase transaction together
The process to complete a development finance application
Rules of thumb and the three risks of development finance
The financials that need to add up for a development finance application to work
Case studies and feasibility analysis
Types of lenders and when to use them.
Session Four: Industry Experts Panel
A panel of industry experts will discuss the current industry trends, changes and the opportunities within the commercial landscape.
Open Q&A involving the panel and our facilitators.
Reservations can be made here: